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Calculation and Analysis Application for Spectrum Management (RAKURS-M).

RAKURS-M software tool (Calculation and Analysis Application for Spectrum Management – hereinafter RAKURS) was designed in the Russian Federation by specialists of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Analysis Center of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Radio Research and Development Institute (FSBI NIIR CAEMC).

The software tool is applied for designing transmitting networks for terrestrial broadcasting, modeling electromagnetic environment, calculating coverage areas and optimizing technical parameters of transmitting stations of TV and sound broadcasting networks. In addition RAKURS is widely used for the purposes of bilateral and multilateral coordination of frequency assignments and allotments in border areas and their publication in the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

  • RAKURS-M Download (221Mb) (version from 08.2021)
  • PowerPoint presentation with main features of RAKURS-M
  • RAKURS-M installation and operation manual
  • RAKURS-M user manual

  • If you have any questions about the purchase, please contact: +7-495-647-17-67,,